The Human Scale

The Human Scale

The Human Scale is a documentary film created by Danish architect and director Andreas Dahlbeck. The film explores issues of urbanization, architecture and social organization of cities.

The film’s central message is the concept of “human scale”, which encourages rethinking the way cities are designed and developed with human needs and comfort in mind. The film provokes reflection on how urban space can influence the quality of life and interaction between people.

Andreas Dahlbeck travels around the world studying urban infrastructure and approaches to urbanization. It examines the impact of architectural design on the daily lives of citizens, and also considers ideas on how to create more human-centric cities.

The film raises important issues of sustainable development, environmental sustainability and sociocultural diversity in modern cities. It challenges viewers to think about what the future city should be like and how architecture can contribute to improving the quality of life for all its residents.

“The Human Scale” is a call for a balance between modern urban trends and people’s needs, as well as for finding new approaches to creating more harmonious and convenient urban spaces.